Hotel Information

Hotel Reservations

SSIB 2023 will be held at the Hilton Portland Hotel.

Make A Hotel Reservation Online

Conference Hotel
Hilton Portland Hotel
921 SW 6th Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: 1-503-226-1611

Standard Guest Room Rate

$209.00/night + taxes and fees

The group hotel rate will be available until June 8, 2023, or until the group block is full. After this date, reservations will be based on availability and rates will increase. We encourage you to make your reservations before the deadline to secure the best rate.

Headquarter Hotel Discount

Receive 100 USD discount off the conference registration rate. Reservations must be made by the hotel reservation deadline (while rooms are available). If multiple people are staying in a single room, all names must be listed on the hotel reservation. If you cancel your hotel reservation, the discount will be removed from your registration.