Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstract Submission Deadline is March 14, 2025 at Midnight Pacific Time.
Abstract Submission Fee
75 USD Members*
100 USD Non-members
* Members must have dues current as of July 28, 2025 in order to receive the Member Abstract Submission Fee rate. New membership applications must be approved before the abstract deadline in order to receive the membership rate. No refunds will be given for abstracts submitted before membership is approved or renewed.
Abstract Format
All abstracts are limited to a total of 1800 characters. This character limit includes spaces and is only applied to the abstract body text.
Please complete your submission carefully. All abstracts must be in final form. No typos or other errors can be corrected after the deadline. Abstracts will not be considered or reviewed unless all required fields are completed. Authors may edit abstracts online as long as they meet the submission deadline.
Author Notifications
All correspondence, including notification of abstract acceptance and details for poster and talk presentations, will be sent to the Corresponding Author (submitting author) via email. The corresponding author shall be responsible for informing all contributing authors of any related correspondence. All first authors must register for the meeting in order to present their poster or talk.
Please Read Carefully This Important Information About New Features to SSIB Abstracts and Presentations
Beginning in 2018, SSIB instituted a new abstract submission category, “Technical and/or Procedural Advances”. In addition to the traditional categories of Clinical/Social, Behavioral, Integrated Physiology, and Neuroscience that describe hypothesis-driven research, authors may now submit abstracts for poster presentation only that describe technical and/or methodological issues of interest to SSIB meeting attendees. These abstracts should feature new or modified surgical approaches, reagents, software, analytical routines or equipment etc., developed by academic researchers or corporations. Note that all abstract submissions should follow SSIB guidelines and deadlines for submission to be considered for presentation during the regular scientific sessions.
Additional Guidelines
- Please note oral abstracts and posters will be presented live in-person. Please indicate your presenation preference (in-person poster, in-person talk) during abstract submission.
- The presenting author has the responsibility of obtaining the consent of all coauthors to be listed on the submitted abstract.
- The data reported in the abstract should represent original research. Abstracts should not be submitted on findings that have been previously presented or published. Naturally, prior published or presented work can be used a starting point for the work reported in the abstract.
- Abstracts reporting studies with unidentified chemical compounds, drugs, or materials will not be accepted.
- Abstract submission signifies that the reported research complies with animal welfare and human subject regulations.
- Abstract submission signifies permission to post the abstract on the SSIB web site.
- The abstract itself should contain the following components:
- The title should accurately reflect the information presented in the body of the abstract.
- The beginning of the abstract should state the hypothesis, purpose or scientific objective of the study. The remainder of the abstract should address this hypothesis, purpose or scientific objective.
- The abstract should describe the study, design, subjects and analytic procedures. The method described should unquestionably address the stated hypothesis, purpose or objective. Include enough detail to enable the Program Committee to gain a clear understanding of the methodology.
- The results should be summarized in sufficient detail to support the final conclusion. If applicable, the mean results should be presented in numerical fashion with deviations or standard errors on the mean. Number of animals, studies or patients should be noted. Present the data in sufficient detail for the reader to form conclusions and acknowledge (or disagree with) the interpretation of the author’s analysis.
- The abstract should close with a brief statement of the conclusion(s). Do not overstate conclusions. Make certain that all conclusions follow logically from the data and that the data presented confirms, refutes or modifies the purpose or the specific objectives of the study in the introductory sentence.
- Each submitted abstract will be evaluated by the Program Committee for scientific merit and compliance with the guidelines described above. Abstracts that do not conform to the above standards may be rejected.
- The abstract review process is conducted blind to the authors and affiliations. Thus, please do not explicitly identify authors, grant numbers, or institutions in the body text of the abstract. This should not, however, preclude citing previous work when necessary.
- SSIB Presentation Guidelines:
- Avoid using terms and phrasing, such as "the obese" and "bulimics" that suggest homogeneity, and are depersonalizing. Person-first wording (e.g., person with obesity, higher weight individuals, etc.) or more precise wording (e.g., BMI>30) is preferred.
- Avoid use of gratuitous images of overweight and obese persons. Stigmatizing pictures of obese persons that reinforce negative stereotypes should not be used. Pictures of obese persons that are necessary to support a scientific point may be justified.
- Avoid using graphics, e.g. obese stick figures, to indicate groups of overweight and obese persons. Verbal labels, e.g., BMI values, are preferred.
- Avoid presentation of "humorous" cartoons/animations depicting obese people, binge eating, overeating, and other disordered eating. Such depictions undermine the seriousness of these conditions, and can be offensive.